Thursday, July 31, 2014

Victorian era tea cup

In the Victorian era, they had special tea cups that protected your mustache from getting dunked in your tea.

Charging pouch

Hanging pouch to hang your cell phone with the socket while charging.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bottle reuse for decoration

Another of those bottle reuses for decorations.

Lead pencil art

Lead pencil comb.

Two halves of a pencil joined with a lead chain.

 A screw, keychain and a grave mark all made in a pencil's lead.

Eiffel Tower.

How it's done...

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Stone sculptures

Near real stone sculptures.

Stone sculpture depicting a bag of gold.

Starwars chess pieces

A starwar chessboard and chess pieces for a chess remix.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Sherlock Homes

Sherlock Homes (yep, not Holmes), Real Estate and Builders... The kind of marketing life hacky brand name one would only find in Pakistan.

Pool Table

Lawn dinner table in the middle of a swimming pool.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Car window AC rig

Speaking of the overkill.. either his car AC was really giving him trouble or it was way too hot out there...

Be like a duck

Calm above the surface, paddling below.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

LED decorated train: Long exposure shot

A long exposure shot of an LED decorated train on a track.

Laptop cooling fan rig

My HP laptop started heating up in summers during gaming and I didn't want to spend more on buying a cooling fan with a laptop table... so this is the rig I made:

A toy motor fan.

Some cutting and wood work equipment.

Cut wood pieces to create a stable base for the fan.

 The objective here was to minimize the vibration from the fan, so it was to be connected as tight as possible.

Even the closely packed setup allows for viberation so an alternate option might be an already fixed fan.

Such as this one that I plucked out of an old computer power supply. This worked perfectly well but it needed an output voltage of 12 v. The power source I had was only 5 v.

I used an old, out of use, cell phone charger with a USB charging cable. Cut the front end and separate the red and black wires for power (other wires can be twisted around as they are not needed). This can now be attached to the laptop USB port or directly to the power using the charging adopter.

A mini cross beam was attached to the rig to hold the supports together as the vibration would other wise drive them apart as soon as the fan would start.

Next up was to hold the supports, the crossbeam and the whole rig together. For that I used Ubuntu promotional stickers that I had lying around from some time back when I ordered a set of Ubuntu CDs.

 One terminal of the motor was permanently attached to the USB cable, the other one was attached from the USB cable terminal with a conducting ring I salvaged from the same power supply that I picked the extra fan from. The ring was originally used there as a ground wire, but here it seems to make a better use.

When the ring is attached, the vibration from the fan pushes the support rig outwards making it tighter and pulling on the terminal wire that is permanently attached to the motor. When the ring (from the positive terminal) is hooked up with the motor, its wire comes under tensile force and that becomes a positive feed back for the system to keep the wire firmly attached to the motor and hence giving proper voltage and not to spark.

The final image shows how the final version of the support rig looks like when the fan is removed.

All that is need to be done now is for the laptop to be placed in an uplifted position with some space in the middle for the rig and fan to be placed (hardly a few centimeters and the system is kept cool as I run heavy games on it. Seems to me that this was a much better option than buying a 1000 $ cooling fan.