Monday, January 20, 2014

Your digital will

The digital generation has shifted every thing from books and studies to gaming and entertainment to the internet, but there's one important thing that they've been missing. How do they leave messages for the future generations, how do they leave their last remarks and what happens to their online identities once they die. Will they float on the internet forever or should they be totally removed? On most services it is one way or the other by default. Your account may become inactive (and removed) by time or it may never be deleted even if you don't use it.

Google has made it easier by introducing the inactive account manager and letting you control what happens to your account and private data once you stop logging in to your account for a time period you've set.

Control what happens to your Google account, and probably most of your internet presence (if gmail is your primary email address), when you stop using it, forget the password for good, are indisposed over a long time or die.

It may act as your digital will or digital after life. It also confirms the recipients' cell number along with their email ID so that only and only that person can be sent a verification to sign in and collect your data. This is what Google has to say about it. You may alternatively archive and download all your emails or data from other Google products and save it on your hard disk.

There's another thing you can use this feature for. By setting up a time limit, say if you haven't logged in for 18 months, after which your account becomes inactive and then a set of emails you have written would be automatically triggered and sent to each recipient.

See also:

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